Hire freelancers without commissions and intermediaries

Our self-service Freelance Marketplace is the most transparent, efficient and economical way to get a direct access to thousands of independent professionals in Europe. Post an unlimited number of job offers and hire an unlimited number of Freelancers on demand without commissions. Give a real boost to your business with i-Lance.

Simple, Quick and Agile Hiring Process

Finding and hiring the right freelancer has never been that easy


Create your fully anonymous client profile in less than 5 minutes. Yes, it’s just as easy as that


Search and filter public freelance profiles or post an unlimited number of freelance missions


Hire your freelancers faster and easier with our simple, intuitive and economical platform

0% Commissions

Discuss the terms directly with freelancers and pay their invoices outside of the platform


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Why choose us?

A fully transparent ecosystem of freelancers

Freelancers and Clients come in direct contact together, agree on the terms and daily rates without any external intervention. i-Lance merely provides the marketplace infrastructure to match supply and demand.

An extensive ecosystem of partners and services

i-Lance built a network of partners offering services that are perfectly adapted for freelancers. We can provide you with special offers and assistance at any stage of your career. Got a question? Simply contact us and we will redirect you.

The most competitive service fees on the market

Hiring a freelancer and even more so, freelancing, shouldn’t cost you any commissions. Forget about intermediaries and join our full self-service platform. Pay a small monthly subscription and use our services without any limitations.

Services From Our Partners

Our partners will assist you throughout your freelancing career



Our insurance partners will help you select all the necessary insurance packages that are required for your freelance activity.


Co-Working Spaces

i-Lance has partnered up with a wide selection of co working spaces.


How to become a Freelancer

Our partners will guide you through all the procedures to launch your legal freelance business.


Accounting Services

Our partners will help you manage all your accounting duties.



Take part in exclusive conferences, workshops, training sessions and afterworks.


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Our Services



Create a beautiful professional profile, get noticed and apply to missions in your field of expertise.



Give a head start to your career by working as a student freelancer during your studies on i-Lance.



Source freelancers for your clients on i-Lance at the lowest service fees on the market.



Take your recruitment process in charge by hiring freelancers yourself without any intermediaries.

Our Partners

LancrAragPartenaInk ConsultingSeraphinAccountableTentooTwinntaxAion Bank

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